Jumat, 16 September 2011
Rangkaian Led Berjalan|Running Led
Rangkaian Led Berjalan|Running Led
Circuit of Led runs, led can be seen using, as an indicator while ic IC4017 is that it functions as a counter with the help of a clock generated by a 555 timer ic, slow movement which quickly led the flames quickly depending on the clock late in the output by the timer IC.
Led Berjalan|Running Led
Skema Rangkaian Led Berjalan
List of Components used:
IC 4017
IC Ne 555
R 4.7K
R 1K
VR 100K
C 10mf/16V
C 100nf
To change the mode from the line led to the form of a text can be done with the sort led to the form of the text that will vary in, just what you want when you led or will be up on a path or line of IC 4017 should be adding a series of brace.
series brace can use here or NPN transistors can also use the relay if the load would be greater
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